The Rails of this World - Original Life Poem


When my days were at its dawn
The world seems so boon
The tenderness of its days
Can be felt from an embrace

There in the morning hour
In questions I'm devoured
When answers were unsought
It left me so confused

In the brightness of the day
Days go by as I'm at play
The learning days are fleeting
'I can do it someday anyway

But as I look back and gaze
I'm astonished, I'm amazed
Teenage days were over
I'm marching towards the haze

Now in my second score
The reality is at my door
But the world seems too noisy
Deafening at its core

The world was more like bane
Through the deepest of its pain
Men with power snickers
To peasants with tears like rain

Now ideologies arise
And 'isms stands so high
People claim to cure these things
Spread the errors of their lies

Millions followed their way
And divisions made men astray
Most lived for their own profit
But is life intended this way?

When we define the truth
What are we saying?
When we stand with our own beliefs
Then I'll get rid of my neighbors I guess?

Meaning, meaning, meaning
I'm caught up in this great valley of inquiry
If I follow the rails the world set
I'll die in a very lonely state

Soli Deo Gloria

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