You be trippin’
I don’t understand why
You use to be super fly
Now all of sudden you be trippin'
And flippin’ out
You make me wanna scream and shout
You are too much up and down
I use to wish you were around
But with all this shit
Soon I won’t be around
One minute you call me hunny
And everything is all sunny
But this is not funny anymore
This is something I can’t ignore
You call me a bunch of sweet nothings
People think you cray cray
At first I didn’t know what to say
But now sadly I think that they maybe right
I pray that some day God sheds the light
In your heart
And he makes you realize that you tore my heart apart
And how you treated me was wrong
And this has been going on for long enough
This is very tough
It feels like you tore my heart apart
I have been grieving
This has been very hard but it's best for me to be leaving
Because I can’t deal with all your foolishness
You said you weren’t ready
And I told you I would wait
Now you changed your tune
All I can say is I will fade away soon
And I won’t be there for you to hey
Soon I will slowly fade away
And that is what’s right
Because every time something would go wrong
You say we are friends
What you say doesn’t hold true
Because after a few days
You go back to your foolish ways
And start calling hunny, babe, baby and other sweet shit
You do nothing but confuse the hell outta of me
And that is not how any type of relationship should be
At times you made feel special like I had some sort of fame
That might sound lame
But sadly it feels like I was nothing but a game
And that is a damn shame
You messed with my emotions
And to think I had so much devotion for you
I wasted 5 months of my time
Now I’m tryna get you outta my mind
And focusing on my poetry and on the musical grind
And every time something would go wrong
You would say we're just friends
What you say doesn’t hold true because after a few days
You go back to your foolish ways
Calling hunny, babe, baby and other sweet shit
You’re allowed to call me all that sweet shit
But when I say something back it is wrong in your eyes
I hope my love for you eventually dies
Because I’m in so much pain
It feels dark and like I’m stuck in the rain
You are so fuckin vain
And It’s a damn shame
And later when I’m gone you will feel sorry
And wish that girl that loved you wasn’t just nothing but a story
I pray that God makes you wake up and you realize that what you said was wrong
And makes you rise
And apologize
All I know is I’m done with you trippin'
And flippin'
And all your lies
And I think it's time to cut all ties
I’m done with your bullshit
It’s time to say that’s it


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