SteemitPoetryContest #14 - Words Unspoken

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I found @terrycraft's Steemit Poetry Contest #14 while browsing for good poetry reads, and decided to join too. The participants' entries are inspiring good poetry reads too, check them out if you like to read poetry. The poems' main theme is about "Words", and the short stanza requirement (three quatrains: one quatrain = four lines) left enough room for creativity to kick in while playing with words. And here goes my attempt for the contest. :)

Words Unspoken

She has a word to tell
A few words that's hard to spell
To a friend, a comrade
Together, their lives must have been glad

She has a word to tell
To him, for whom she fell
But the words were stuck in silence—
Words echoed and lost their essence

Words never said until they part
Words that have been there from the start
Words never said and left unspoken
Will remain feelings unspoken but not forgotten

-by raiserxn

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