Authentic braveness (poetry)

I came here to be authentic.
As authentic as I possibly can be. See as clear as I possibly can see. And I see you, with a longing hope that you will see me with authenticity.
I came here to be true to myself so that I can be true to you. With as much realness as the stillness of sunrays in morning dew, when the sky is blue, and as when I lay my eyes on you.
Standing in my truth will hurt you and yes, it will be painful. It might even become dreadful. You might perceive me as being hateful, unfaithful, ungrateful, distasteful and disgraceful. And you probably will be blameful.
But to be honest, authentic and real with it, you're just gonna have to deal with it, live with it, and do your best to feel with it. Because you can handle the truth. We can't hide behind the mask of lies, and you can't ride the waves of what you think other people think you should say, or how you should behave.
We have to be authentic.
We have to be brave.
So be brave!


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