A match made in heaven

I love because when it is true,it is the best feeling there is
You break down my wall the second time,yes you've won again
I'm nub to my emotions but still tears roll down my cheeks
Even the sky itself shares my grief
Is the only reason you held back to me because we were scared of being lonely

You said you were better but from what I see you only got worse
Maybe we were meant to fall apart but why does life keep trying to bring us together
I thought I was moving with the pace of things,of your love trying to not get hurt
But when I was asked if I could spend 10 minutes with anyone
My first though was to waste that wish on you

Before I met you I was empty filled with grief
You filled me with love and when I tasted it I craved more
Now you're different and I'm left with all these love changed into grief
I spent too much time trying to fix you,I never knew you were breaking me
Of all the emotions, love is the hardest
One day I'll walk away and never return and you'd wish you were a better person to me.

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