The Center, Response Blog to Russell Brand, Digital Art and Photography

The Center

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The overall take home message from the plus year and half is to question, question, you government and forms of media. It seems just about everyone is trying to sell you something. Or in the very least convince you of something. The more money and power one has, the greater the scope of your convincing.

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A cluttered mind is full
Piled upon, piled upon
Damned up, blocked
Only the recently thought, readily-available

Free of prejudice, opinion
The master sees the flow of all things
From all sides

Attached to no dam of thought, opinion
He does not struggle against the Tao
He will go far, learn much, and know nothing
Immersed in the ever-changing wisdom of the Tao

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My favorite class, hands down, in high school was Social Studies. I was that annoying and sometimes useful student (if you wanted some stalling) sitting up front and asking all the questions. I liked debating and talking about big issues. I still do. I have learnt this is not a common trait.

Most want the world to be simple part of that comes with an ingrained habit of looking for bias confirmation and treating with suspicion, disdain or down-right hostility that which challenges one's world view.

Most of us are resistant to changing our opinions. When the stakes get high, that resistance grows until it snaps.


My response to Russell:

Reasoning from conclusion is part of the problem for the people that work within the system. Most aren't aware when they do this. The unchallenged assumption is that the treatments are a miracle. Then also we are dealing with the mind's very strong instinct for self-preservation. If the treatments are ineffective and indeed dangerous and already injected ... well ... that isn't a realization the mind will allow most to make easily.

Unlike with most medications that have been found to be harmful, these treatments can't be stopped or reversed. And so many V-proponents have also been downright oppressive and bigoted in insisting other people take it or have labelled those who don't as sub-human.

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Waking-up from this nightmare may simply be too painful for some people. Indeed, a time or two, I have thought to myself maybe it is just best to let this individual be and think as they do, so as not to cause devastating mental distress.

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Discard what you believe
To be sage, holy, or wise
Ideals lead to judgement

Give up the desire
To appear moral or fair
Seek the center

Be industrious
Let generosity be your profit
You will meet no thieves

There is no need to pursue happiness
It lies in every core

Let things unfold as they will
The center remains the center
It will reveal itself



Words and Images are my own.

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