Petals and Ides, Poetry and Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

Petals and Ides

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blossomed ides
togas and sheaves
senators, sentries

friends turned foe

daggers hidden
deep within pleated
indigo folds

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a Caesar immortalized
with a pringtemps folio flip

karmic debt marched in

laurel leaves petrified
pink petals turned to flurries
streams flowed imperial red

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We are little past March 15th but not yet seasonally shifted past the Ides of March. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and minime's social studies unit has moved into Ancient Rome and the study of Julius Caesar.

One's minds eye constructs pictures of elderly men in togas and pink petals falling like snow upon the unfortunate Caesar. His blood flowing through the discarded petals, both horrific and beautiful. Shakespeare taught us that the end of tyrants should be a dramatic repayment of debt to the people. And indeed the last moments of Julius Caesar have yet to fade from history infamy.


From our studies ...

Rome was said to be founded by the twin brothers and supposed sons of the Roman god of war, Mars, Romulus and Remus. In the early days, Rome was ruled by kings. Legends says that Romulus became its first king after he killed his brother, Remus.

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Rome became a republic in 509 BCE with expulsion of Tarquin the Proud. Senators shared power during the Roman Republic, but sometimes they fought with the generals. One of these generals was Julius Caesar. He wanted to rule like a king. In 44 BCE, a group of senators assassinated him on what is called the Ides of March.

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Video Summary

Julius Caesar was born in July, 100 BCE. He had an excellent speaking ability and leadership qualities. His family was noble, but not wealthy. At seventeen, he married the daughter of a powerful nobleman and increased his social standing.

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To escape a family feud, Caesar joined the army and left Rome. By the time he returned to Rome, he was well-respected and loved for his achievements in the army. He was elected Consul, the most powerful political office in Rome, at the age of 40.

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Caesar served as Consul for one year, and then became the governor of Gaul and was given command of four Roman legions. He expanded Roman rule in the region. When Caesar returned to Rome, he became a threat to the Establishment because of his growing popularity and desire to rule.

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Rome fell into a civil war that lasted four years between Caesar and his forces versus General Pompey and the Senate. Eventually, Caesar defeated his foes and returned to Rome the most powerful man in the world. He was appointed dictator for life.


Caesar rebuilt Rome and was said to help the poor. The Calendar we use today was created during his reign. On March 15, 44 BCE, led by Cassius and Brutus, Caesar was assassinated. The senators believed that Caesar had become too powerful.

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We also looked at some of the art inspired by Julius Caesar.

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From our lesson ...

Historical figures like Julius Caesar had many sides. He was very intelligent and thoughtful and did some good things for Rome and its people, but he was also very violent and power-hungry. He killed many people. In the Tusculum bust, we see the more thoughtful and intelligent man. He looks almost gentle.

It is a realistic and humanistic depiction.


Now lets consider the Renaissance bust of Julius Caesar housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the work Andrea di Pietro di Marco Ferrucci.

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The Renaissance sculpture shows his more warlike an imperialist side. He is pictured wearing armour, emblazoned with the images of empire. He is a show of strength.

It is a realistic but idealized depiction.

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Words and Images are my own.

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