The Spider Plant (Poem)

There was a pot in the great room

standing formal like a bridegroom.

It's mouth gapped wide like a cream puff

and was lined with a silver cuff...

That sparkled fair in the sunlight

which gleamed upon a lovely plant-

to which the sun was attendant.

The em'er'ald green leaves were long-

and draping like a fountain strong.

And out from the center emerged

a long, green cord that grew and surged.

Tiny white buds lined along the cord

and burst open the most adored-

flowers that glistened in the sun

like prized jewels, rare and homespun.

The old blooms dropped like falling tears.

They fade away just like the years.

And in their place, a baby plant-

is born and grown- so elegant!

The weight of babies on the cord

press it down, down, to the floorboard.

Yet it stays strong, like mother's love-

connected well, like hand in glove.

Here's the life of a spider plant-

graceful, robust, and abundant.

They are green as an iguana.

Mine was a gift from Aunt Donna-

who has since passed, away from me-

but this plant still- grows carefree.

It's leaves remain calm and gracious,

and each day it is more precious.

(In honor of my Aunt Donna)

Author's Note: Yes, I took these pictures.

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