Our path



One side of you hopes
for the dream
of peace,
a world without fear.
One of safety and comfort,
love and relief.

Perhaps a quiet whisper,
your logical side dismissing.

How can this be
in a world of division?
of different opinions
a multitude of cultures
traditions, structures,
different right or wrong,
true or false.
adopted or taught.

Life shapes our scope,
our thoughts, beliefs, hopes.
Were taught limitations,
every strife,
our foundations.

So many perspectives
I’s looking outward
backward, forward,
so few looking inward.

Inward to the self,
what it means to be,
before thought or action,
few ever see.

The awareness
of being,
behind senses
and feeling.
Behind the mind
the attention
is freeing.

The future
is not set in stone,
we each have the power,
our path is our own.

We can find the
bright future
that we all need,
we can be the change
that we want to see.

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