Doctors in the Attic


Doctors in the Attic

Tiny little fix-me pills
I think that I will hide you
underneath the sofa, there
I'll scratch myself a hole.

I'll grab a few straight days worth
and bury them beneath
the floorboards in the corner
so that I may find some peace.

Hey, twisted little spider
Why'd you leave so fast?
I didn't mean to struggle
I tried so not to gasp

Sweet stars, I see the angels
dancing up above
looking down at me as they
put on their boxing gloves

Pounding on the clouds now
they send me down some rain
I thank them with a lazy bow
then break my daisy chain

Doctors in the attic
they whisper down to me,
"Dont' be frightened, we won't hurt.
Give in, we'll set you free."

A nightmare sits unfolding
into my shaking hands
I wish that I could break it
before it understands.

(c) 2018 serena matthews
photo © serena matthews

Bottom of the blog note:
The mind is a strange thing sometimes. Deciding whether or not to take antidepressants is a huge decision. I struggled with this for a long time, until I realized that it was the best option. I was hurting myself and hurting my family.
People who say it's mind over matter may be correct about some people, but when the brain is chemically unbalanced, it's very important to consider whether or not medication could be beneficial to you.
I believe many suicides that have happened today could have been prevented with modern medicine. If you seek to find natural and organic methods of healing, I wish more power to you. I am seeking that as well, but for now, lamictal is my light in the hole.
Thank you for reading!
Much love to you. ♥-serena
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