100 Days Of Poetry Challenge - Day 11- Music

Hello Steemians and welcome to 100 days of poetry challenge organized by @d-pend. We're live here in day 11. Today's poem is music all the way.

Poem Title: Music

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I listen to the words you speak
Since they take me high up the peak.
You calm me when I'm incensed,
And redirect my mood instead.

You're a life saver,
Restoring stability when the soul quivers.
Your melody suites the soul,
You make one whole.

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Your invisibility makes you unique
Yet one can meet you with a click.
You're a classy work of art.
One can always feed you to his heart.

You make me ecstatic,
That's why you're music.

Image 1: Google
Image 2: Shutterstock

Readers Note:

I'm a beginner. I'm always inspired by music, same as poetry. .Just let me know what you think in the comment box.

See The Previous Days

Day 1: If
Day 2: Beauty Fool
Day 3: Joining The Departed
Day 4: Steemit School Poetry
Day 5: Juliet
Day 6: A Selfish Plea To The Gods
Day 7: Life Cycle
Day 8: Sleep
Day 9: Money
Day 10: Adulterers

For info on Steemit School Poetry Challenge, click here
You are welcome to join Steemit School on discord for more info.

Poem by: Necha Michael


Thank You.

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