Sincerity is rarely a friend, ..

At night when the rumble of rain stopped, Mobile vibrate, an incoming message:

Sincerity is rarely a friend, of course you can not believe it now. But, later, later, in time. I hope you understand later, there are some sincerity that you will regret. Sorry, after you read this sentence, yeah you just read, yaya third sentence, yes, no, do not repeat again, the more you re the more you are disappointed. Sorry if this time our idea is different. Honestly I do not mean to harm, what else lie, but this is the life I feel.

Di malam hari disaat gemuruh hujan berhenti, Handphone (hpnya bagus cuma casing karetnya udah supak) bergetar, sebuah pesan masuk :

Keikhlasan itu sunguh jarang teman, tentu kau boleh tak percaya sekarang. Tapi, nanti, kelak, pada waktunya. Kuharap kau mengerti nantinya, ada beberapa keikhlasan yang pasti kau sesali. Maaf, setelah kau baca kalimat ini, iya yg baru saja kau baca, iyaa kalimat ketiga, iya, sudahh, jangan di ulang lagi, semakin kau ulang semakin kau kecewa. Maaf jika kali ini faham kita berbeda. Jujur aku tidak bermaksud celaka, apa lagi berdusta, tapi beginilah hidup yang kurasa..


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