Sebenarnya dia..

He's the last of his siblings. You must know. He never judges you for calling him in the word he specifies. Well, apparently he does not care about that with you. Sometimes he lives like a wind. Disappear without news, go for no reason. Do not be sad, he really likes to joke that sad. Often also tell a story without a prelude. hard, but he likes to the points. Confusing but he's really simple. Do not expect much from him. He is too easy to understand the condition of illusion. I know her enough. He was used to being neglected. Never fall and stand up, not because of help but a joke. Once depressed then rose, not because of help but patience. Already, he did not go far. Ohh yaa he said, later if you need something let him know. You just have to make sure if he is the last choice. He is very fond of helping people. What more bad people like you. You are the priority, and you do not prioritize.
Hmmm almost forgot, he said hayy ...
Not for you but for your friends.
But, I more agree that greeting for you ...

Dia anak terakhir dari beberapa saudaranya. Pastilah kau kenal. Dia tak pernah menghakimi mu untuk memangilnya dalam kata yg ia tentukan. Yaa memang tampaknya dia tak sepeduli itu dengan mu. Terkadang ia hidup seperti angin. Menghilang tanpa kabar, pergi tanpa alasan. Jangan sedih, dia memang suka bercanda yang menyedihkan. Sering juga bercerita tanpa pendahuluan. Ribet, tapi dia suka to the poin. Membingungkan tapi dia simpel sebenarnya. Jangan berharap banyak darinya. Dia terlalu mudah memahami kondisi ilusi. Aku cukup kenal dia. Dia itu sudah biasa terabaikan. Pernah jatuh lalu berdiri, bukan karna bantuan tapi candaan. Pernah tertekan lalu bangkit, bukan karna pertolongan tapi kesabaran. Sudahh, dia tak pergi jauh. Ohh yaa tadi dia bilang, nanti jika kau butuh sesuatu kabari dia. Kau hanya perlu memastikan jika ia pilihan terakhir. Dia sangat suka membantu orang. Apa lagi orang² jahat seperti kau. Kau yg dipreoritaskan, dan kau yg tak mempreoritaskan.
Hmmm hampir lupa, dia titip salam...
Bukan untukmu tapi untuk temanmu.
Tapi, aku lebih sepakat salam itu untukmu...


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