A Poem about Truth/Waking Up.

A Poem about Truth.

I'm looking around, despaired to see, that nobody seems to see things like me.

The system we're locked in, ignorance is bliss, how long will this go on for, what more will you miss.

Gaia is calling, she needs our aid, but people keep on living in this laid out game.

Get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, we are nothing more than conforming little sheep.

This may make you angry, it may open your eyes, but we are being manipulated by so many lies.

Take marketing for example, it’s so clear to see, that everything around you, is just what YOU want it to be.

Farm reared animals, 100% natural, you’d rather read this label, than know what is factual.

Reality Is disguised from you all with an aim, mass cruelty all around you, and no one is shamed.

Some animals never see the glorious light of day, force fed in cages, now what do you say?

Oh it’s alright, I buy Farm reared meat, but this is just one facet of mass deceit.

Do your research, don't be shy, marketing staff will openly tell you, its all a lie.

Chick’s beaks torn off, piglets testicles hacked, no pain relief given, they are violently attacked.

If you sourced ethical produce, and their gross profits fell, each purchase you made would help end an animals hell.

Humans are compassionate, to think you aren’t isn’t fair, the truth is being hidden from us, they make sure you don’t care.

Food is necessary for us to survive, this is the key to keeping the game alive.

Global domination of the food chain is well underway, our rights to know what we eat, and to grow our own food diminishes day by day.

Health foods are kept well out of our reach, so we can only afford foods that have been drenched in bleach.

Surely this can’t really be true? Chicken, bread, pasta, rice, flour, sugar, just to name a few.

It make’s you unwell, so you advance to the next level, the pharmaceutical companies, now in drugs you revel.

1 in 3 people get Cancer it seems, now read the ingredients label on your ‘food’- Is it even real?

Genetics they tell you, its in your DNA, they continually poison you, yet you still listen to what they say.

Cancer is business, oh she’s gone crazy now I’m sure. Well watch this Documentary – Cancer: Forbidden cures.

Natural cures for cancer have been developed, yet in pharmaceutical indoctrination you are enveloped.

Chemo is laid on you, and some lives it saves. But tens of thousands of pounds later, you may be doing ‘OK’.

This may make you uneasy but I want you to think, how on earth did humans survive before medicines were made for us to drink?

Food is medicine, Gaia is wise. She knows how to heal you, so open your eyes.

Your body is strong, not frail and weak, give it the right nourishment and you will be back on your feet.

But load it with chemicals, and the stuff we think is food, then expect it to function properly and you are being fooled.

If you trace the facts all the way to the top, the people who decide what's 'safe' for you to eat and who make your drugs, all work in the same shop.

Aspartame is in pretty much everything you eat, a ‘healthy sugar substitute that makes your food sweet’. Arthur Evangelista, a former investigator of the FDA, discovered that its neurotoxic, in short, it destroys your brain.

Im fighting a lost cause if this doesn’t raise alarms, these people don’t give a damn about your health, they mean you harm.

Not the doctors or pharmacist’s you see each day, they just have a job to do so they can get paid. I mean the select few at the top, who seek money and power. With lies and miss info you are continually showered.

If you are healthy they will be poor, this is why they strive to keep us on the floor. They tax all your money then tax us some more, so healthy living and eating isn’t an option any more.

The health of the spirit isn’t even considered. Its laughed upon, joked about, and anyone who believes in it an idiot.

Emotions are real, we all know that. But they can’t be measured or seen using a lab rat. Hormones are released when emotions are felt, an invisible force having real effects on health.

Your soul, your core, the being who is YOU. Needs time, and attention another thing in the que.

Your focus is drawn to all of your flaws, celebrities and idols are merely pawns. This keeps you occupied, striving for ideals, so you don’t pay much attention to issues that are real.

Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Disease, are bringing humanity to its knees. They label you unwell, they bury you in a hole, do you not think this is a cry for help from your soul?

Get a house and a job, and throw in a car, get married have a kid and you will get far.

You will work most of the day, to pay back what you owe, but we will take huge chunks of your money to fund our own show.

When the spirit wants to be free, and it starts to break, they will use fear mongering to keep you paying a debt that is fake.

Interest and credit are the biggest shams in town, why do people put up with it? They let them selves drown.

Ginormous figures that no one can afford, a few hundred grand for a house, its all a fraud.

There is a huge gap between what things cost and what you earn, it is there for a reason, when will you learn?

We’re locked in a system that is cleverly devised, so that you are totally oblivious to all of the lies.

We need a new system, one that is fair, but that won’t happen when nobody cares.

We are connected to each-other and also the Earth, yet we are taught the opposite of this right from birth.

Somewhere inside every one of you has felt it, the connection to something that defies all common logic.

Just like when mankind extends it’s heart out to another, a homeless man, an injured dog, a child with no mother.

We connect with these moments, we do know the way, we think for a second, but that’s as far as most play.

Pick up a sandwich for the homeless guy on the street, he is a human being not a gone off piece of meat.

He will have feelings that run deeper than yours, an outcast of society, not protected by laws.

The media will tell you he lost his own way, he’s a drunk, an addict, he spent his own pay. So what if it’s true, the guy lives in hell. Id like to see you stay sober, if you lost your shell.

We are quick to judge others, as we are taught what to think, some tribal communities show us some missing links.

Some children in Africa were given some fruit. Some more than others to see if it would split the group. Researchers predicted jealousy would enrage, and human nature would come into play.

What actually happened opened their minds, as they learnt that human nature is truly kind. The kids sat in a circle, placed all their fruit on the ground, then they shared it out equally, here the human heart is found.

These children weren’t taught to look out for themselves, they don’t have a TV or toys on their shelves. They know what it means to be truly connected, they look out for each-other, their interest is not vested.

A walk out in nature after a bad day, will help you refocus when you loose your way. You all resonate to some extent with these words, have you ever wondered though how it actually works?

Some like the mountains, some like the flowers, nature is riddled with true healing power. You cast this off, as it makes no sense. Yet something inside you stirs, under the pretence.

Your mind is so powerful more than you can comprehend. With true understanding the laws of physics can bend.

Your body’s amazing and thoughts can instruct it to heal, the placebo effect is proof that this is real. The 'placebo effect' is thrown around like a lose piece, but wake up people, what you think makes disease cease!

The Biology of Belief is a book everyone should read, Dr Bruce Lipton has made some astonishing discoveries in this field.

This is the knowledge you aren’t meant to understand. Because maybe if we knew this, we would gain the upper hand.

Life is mysterious, all the answers I don’t possess, but humanity needs to wake up, we don’t have forever left.

Open your eyes, and open your heart. Unlearn the truth, It will make you smart.

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*Note- I wrote this many years ago when I was in the midst of my truth seeking phase and I had no one to talk to. I needed to get things out and so I wrote poetry, although it does not fall into any certain poetic form, it's more of a rant that rhymes. If anyone resonates with it, then the key question is- What's next? Learning about all this information is necessary but it's only the first step, what you do with it and what further seeking this triggers is what you need to focus on. I spent too long traumatised by what I was learning, when actually it was merely a stepping stone for further seeking. Just don't get stuck here is my point.

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