Love may not always keep us together # when the pen was lifted the ink began to dry up (art of shambles) # 25


Love may not always keep us together

My fears became real
After all this time
We are in love
Finally, now I must be willing
Release you for him
I feel sick though
But I can not do anything.

Because I can not force
Keeps you in love
When there is no more taste
Dihatimu who once existed
If you choose it right
Please do not hurt him.

Suffice me to feel
The pain betrayed love
I hope you are happy
With him you love
Though I have to be hurt
Maybe this is His plan
For me, you and him.

Maybe this is called love does not have to have
Because while there is no holy bond
Love is still a mystery
Though I feel trained
After you leave.

But I have to stay on my own
I cannot keep crying
Especially lamenting
Because love does not have to stop here
I Will try to keep the heart
Until that love comes back
Bringing eternal happiness

~ Cinta Tak Harus Memiliki ~

Ketakutanku menjadi nyata
Setelah sekian lama
Kita jalin asmara
Akhirnya kini ku harus rela
Melepasmu untuk dia
Meski sakit ku rasa
Tapi ku tak bisa apa-apa .

Karna ku tak mungkin memaksa
Membuatmu tetap cinta
Bila sudah tak ada lagi rasa
Dihatimu yang dulu pernah ada
Jika kau benar memilihnya
Tolong jangan sakiti dia .

Cukuplah aku yang merasa
Sakitnya dikhianati cinta
Ku harap kau bahagia
Dengan dia yang kau cinta
Walau aku yang harus terluka
Mungkin inilah rencana-Nya
Untuk aku,kau dan dia .

Mungkin inilah yang disebut cinta tak harus memiliki
Karna selagi belum ada ikatan suci
Cinta itu masih menjadi misteri
Meski aku merasa tertatih
Setelah kau pergi .

Tapi aku harus tetap berdiri sendiri
Aku tak boleh terus menangisi
Apalagi meratapi
Karna cinta tak harus berhenti disini
Kan ku coba untuk menjaga hati
Sampai cinta itu datang kembali
Membawa kebahagiaan yang abadi



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