Why do I question?

Humans are curious… We question, always seeking answers, ever finding more questions. Curiosity is integral to our human existence – to question is to breathe.

Questions and questions and questions
     Changing moments, days, and years
           Human existence is change…
But to ever what purpose?
     Ahhh… the questions, always seeking
           Seeking the answers, finding questions

What is my purpose?
     What should be my plan?
           Where shall I go?
                 Who can help me understand?
                       Why do I ask the questions?
                             Why do they plague my mind?

                                   Every question is an offered path.
                             Each answer is the road taken.
                       As the chrysalis holds the secret
                 Of the worm’s metamorphosis,
           So every riddle spoken holds
     The answer to my queries.

While I breathe, I think… I ponder,
Forming catechisms of every aspect
of this life… then and now and when…
Living, growing, always in this
Always never ending inquisition…
This interrogatory examination of Life.

Questions and questions and questions…
     Changing moments, days, and years…
           Human existence is change…
                 Evolution is Life.
                 Changes bring questions.
           When I have no more questions,
     I know, it only will ever be because
I no longer have breath to ask them.


Image from the public domain: Cappella della famiglia Gregorini Bingham, Storia e Memoria di Bologna, storiaememoriadibologna.it
Poem © 06 October 2014, by D. Denise Dianaty
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