A spoken word jam against the SJW movement

"In Defense of the Tribe"

My tribe.
My community.
The group I feel safe in. The group where I feel seen.
More than a family.
People with which I identify.
Through culture, race, religion, characteristics that divide.
A strong tribe is security.
It’s connectivity.
A safe place in a sea of uncertainty.
Holding space for each religion,
Each world view,
But division could lead to conflict. It’s uncomfortable to you.
Social... Justice... Warrior.

You attack the tribal mindset. Those who wish to separate
themselves from the whole. You are blind to your hate.
Calling it “social justice” is a travesty of terms.
Fighting human nature, forcing others to conform,
to your rules of social etiquette, your agenda of reform.
You desire to make the world this perfect place
free from injustice and hate. From any discomfort that may
cause conflict. Yet it’s what you do on the social message board.
Attacking him for his gender, her for what she earns.
You think “the state of being equal” is the highest ideal.
You want everything the same? You better get real.
Cause all the force your bringing has consequences.
Giving monsters more power to control and oppress us.
Trying to “eliminate injustice”. Well it only creates it.
It’s fighting fire with fire. It’s the hatred of hate.
You want to end racism? Stop focusing on race!
The world will be a better place.

Quit watering the weeds with all of your attention.
Start cultivating love through courage and affection.
This world isn’t “fair” and it’s never gonna be.
Don’t resist that reality.

Open your eyes. I can show you where to find peace.
Nature holds the key to “serenity”.
“The ten thousand things” answering to none.
The breath of the forest. The light of the dawn.
In "the circle of life", the predator and the prey.
There is no life without death. No night without the day.
Unfair yet even-handed. She is cruel, she is kind.
She is callous and compassionate. You will find
that we exist inside “her” whether we want to or not,
and to resist her guidance is an uncomfortable lot.
So embrace human nature. Embrace the tribe.
This new perspective that I prescribe
Is to embrace the world, WITH its inequality.
For it’s beyond you and me.

Truth is affirmative. Change your scope.
Let’s do something positive. Spread some love and hope.

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