My Partner is the Best!

Ocean's rising
Thunder's roaring
Too dumb thinking of giving up
But my partner's pulling me up.

Too weak to pray
Too scared to fight for another day
But somehow He knows the words I can't say
So He inspires me and says, "Come on! Get up and sway."   

I always know I'm not alone for when I'm down
I feel His presence there. His love is everywhere.
Sometimes when I cry out because of fear,
He speaks through a friend, the words I need to hear.   

Sometimes when I'm blue
I just read the bible for His words are true.
It helps me cope
And gives me hope.   

My partner is the best!
Jesus is not like the rest!
He's with me all the time
Through sick and thin, he will never leave me behind.

He's my one and only escort
Who gives me comfort.
He's my knight and shining armor
Together, we can obliterate all the foes that roar!

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