But God hears you

I just want to remind you that you're doing just fine. ⠀

I know sometimes you get down on yourself, start to see the bad as your definition. I know you've made some mistakes—maybe you've let someone down, broken a promise, fell into sexual sin, cheated, lied, shattered a person's heart—listen, we all have our baggage.⠀

I don't know what your story is, but I just want to remind you that you are not composed of the mistakes of your life.⠀

You are made of cells, muscles, sweat, love, grit, and passion. You are thousands of tiny fragments of this earth and sun, sewn together in God's perfect image.⠀

And that's not to say you'll be perfect. Because none of are. But it is to say that you were created intentionally, that you were built with care. That you are not just failures and sin—you are infinitely more.⠀

And I know sometimes it's hard to see it. I know there are days where you just want to give up. I know some nights are harder than others, and you wonder if you're ever going to move on, ever going to see clarity, ever going to let go, ever going to heal. I know sometimes it feels like you're screaming to the sky. ⠀

And what you need to remember is that this life will be challenging, and you will fall down, but it's not about being perfect. It's not about having the answers. It's not about never messing up. ⠀

It's about continuing, about finding strength in God's promises, about letting what's within you illuminate. It's about knowing that you are here, you are loved, and you are doing just fine.⠀

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