Today I'm reminded that the little things, the intentional things DO matter.

On my fridge is a collection of cards, notes, photographs, words - mess, essentially - little scraps of my life. Like a visual scrapbook, if you will.⠀

In the top right corner is a Christmas card from one of my good friends, a photo of them smiling and holding hands. And I don't know why it stuck out to me this morning when I went to make my breakfast smoothie, but the fact that they took time out of their day to send me a card was so simple, and yet so special.⠀

Lately, I've been trying to be more intentional. I met a good college friend for dinner last night and we sat and marveled at time, at the sunset, at how life is so crazy sometimes but it's so important to hold on to people and things that matter.⠀

Such a simple thing - dinner, talking, putting down our phones, making time for each other, sending cards - and yet, how often do we forget because we just get too busy with things? How deeply would I regret not spending more time with him if he was suddenly gone?⠀

Today I'm reminded that the little things, the intentional things DO matter. That making time for people we love, even in the craziness of our every day is so important. That connections - real connections - are far greater than surfacey, momentary relationships or having followers on social media. That sometimes we have to make the extra effort to be meaningful, to send cards, to call friends, to hug our parents, to laugh, to sit outside in the sun, to share our light, to love. Intentional. Intentional. Intentional. ⠀

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