Rainy Sunday

What a wonderful rainy Sunday...Looking outside thinking of something good..Oh!God is good..when it's too hot and dry..he thinks to water the earth so it gets colder..and plants will be lively again.!!!

What a wonderful day to
think of what to do to be productive this day..Because rainy day is a lazy day for everyone..

What a wonderful day!!!You get to see..How rain can bring music to everyone's ear..It is an amazing day..

credit source: ![image](https://www.google.com.ph/ ?q=rainy+sunday+images&dcr=0&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp3aPZxuPZAhXHGJQKHbQBB1EQ_AUIESgB&biw=320&bih=492#imgrc=MOHwWAKtl19USM:)

A wonderful day it is...
A wonderful day to relax..
A wonderful day to cuddle..
A wonderful day to stay with someone special...

What a wonderful day it is??

thank you for reading....

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