Struggling for a Conclusion...

Everything seems to be getting worse... Most will say that it isn't that bad, that all one needs to do is see all of the opportunity out there. Still, to some people's perception, that's the problem: everything is corrupt... Everything...

One can't be sure of what to do... It's like standing at the edge of a one-way, 8-lane highway with an endless stream of high speed traffic whizzing past; whipping up the air in an endless vortex of single minded determination... a truly breathtaking sight... literally... but still, not quite right...

Across the distance, on the other side of the highway, is a sunny meadow with wonderful trees and a babbling brook. The area is teeming with life... a "feeling" of 'home' and 'hope' tugs at your "senses"...

Standing on a platform at the edge of this highway that travels so fast, one can only wonder as to where it might go; and a ponderous feeling sets in...

It's so easy to want to jump in...
to be compelled to dive in...
to be among everyone and everything else...
to be consumed in the current...
to be carried away towards its ultimate destination; because surely, the destination is ultimate satisfaction...
the meaning of life...

Why else would so many so fully engage in such passionately driven determination otherwise?

Yet, the aura of the vortex remains vexing... something seems amiss... a creeping corruption pervades this aura, making one's stomach knot at the thought of even knowing...

And then one notices that the platform that one stands upon begins to erode... Is nothing safe from this creeping corruption? Has corruption been present from the very beginning?

How can anyone stand a chance in a world such as this...

No matter, this is life; a gift regardless of circumstance...

As the platform erodes away, echoes of anger and greed cover whispers of fear and pain... masked beneath all, shame can be felt to be calling in a mysterious manner; begging for love to return...

A myriad of confident and doubtful thoughts enters one's consciousness...

Am I ready for this?
Of course I am, I have to be...
Do I even have a choice?
Not really, everyone needs to Live...
Well in any case, I got this, just watch...
But what if I choke?
What if I fail?

But I've seen so many things...
Learned so much...

Then flash, and one snaps out of daydreaming and remembers to breathe...

...and remembers to see truth for what it really is...

Gone is the highway and the vortex of success...
Gone is the place with the feeling of hope and home...
In its stead is left the real world...
Still with platform that still stands even if still eroding and crumbling from corruption...

Still with creeping corruption, the real world...

Even "time" can corrupt the integrity of the mightiest of structures one can imagine...

...if one fails to look after and care for such structures of imagination...

So things may seem to be getting worse... and maybe all one really needs to do is look at the opportunity... because even corruption has its value... showing us the things one needs to strengthen...

And regardless of where one stands, do not worry too much about the arrival. Think more in remembering who one is and where one is headed. Standing aside and doing nothing is laying down to lose, as even what one percieves to be time also works to corrupt the integrity of the spirit.

So as the human condition evolves, so too do all of its extensions and creations. And as the human condition seeks truth and comfort, its extensions and creations become more transparent and immutable.

The ground may be crumbling beneath and the only way out may be a savage and brutal race, but hope calls and brings new things... blockchain... keeping one on track to where one is supposed to be going...

And even if the track itself is corrupted, the corruption cannot hide for long... for as long as one remains vigilant and continues to bring truth to their surroundings and endeavors, nothing can stop the illumination...

One final thought: the most exciting thing of all to some is redemption; the opportunity to put right the things of the past. Sometimes you arrive at a destination ignorant of how you got there, and you end up in a situation you don't agree with. And sometimes you arrive at a destination fully aware of every action you take, knowing you have won your position by unscrupulous methods. And sometimes you arrive at a destination thinking you're making the right decisions all the way; only to find out that those around you never had the same intentions, and your very efforts become corrupted.

But regardless of where you are and how you got there, the light will shine... and all will see...

When there is no where to hide and the truth is made known, what will you do?

Cowardly try and hide again?
Make efforts to correct the corruption?
Work to make ammends for unfair advantages gained?

Or continue perpetuating corruption?

There really is an us and a them. And when the truth is shown, all will be revealed. Are you with us, seeking to bring stablity back to a reality in decay? Or are you them, thinking only of yourselves; regardless of the consequences to the future?

Or is all of this necessary for some unknown purpose?


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