A Wound by Any Other Name

2016-10-25 14.09.33.jpg

Beg I my long-lost Juliet forgive
Mine curséd heart, it longs fore’er to live!
Though lofty dreams we’d often scheme so new
Would never sail upon the waters, true.

Make haste we’d say and then we’d pray to keep
Afloat the dreams we knew would ne’er a peep
The sun-lit shores of success meant for two.
Instead we’d crash hopeless, the rocks were you.

I surely know that fault is mine as well,
But not alone I fell into this hell.
T’was you who could not tow the line, full through
E’en though you knew your strengths could break anew.

But, lo! Your trust you also gave to me,
And by that jugéd I your strengths poorly!
However we were both forlornly lost
At sea, in love and now we feel the cost.

For truth be told I knew we both were weak--
And when the final bell rang we’d both flee
From opportunity so grand! Our hands
Would never touch the sun-kissed sands.

--Kyle Goodman

The title came into my head and I knew it had to be translated into a piece of poetry. Seeming that the title was derived from a line in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and that I recently suffered through a mutually destructive relationship, I felt it only appropriate to try my hand at some iambic pentameter.

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