Breakup Poem: SEPARATED.

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He Says...

When you are with me you call his name,
I’ve heard of your gains and games
Sometimes I wonder your aim
You go out only mixing with fame,
Your acts have left me lame
For this my love for you has gone wane.

She Says...

My words are of pure ecstasy,
And with him I roam in sweet fantasy
But you are as one from a monastery,
I wonder if weakness is in your ancestry,
Even when I gave you love for all to see,
Between there seem to be on chemistry.

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He Says...

Our time together was a nightmare,
So choked, I felt there was no air
A new garment I’ll have to wear,
For the stench of your love will take me nowhere,
The charred memories of you I’ll have to bear,
But in new arms will find true love's cheer.

She Says...

You gave me love as small as seed,
And your actions were its weed
You remember me when in need,
Sadly this love didn’t reach its mid,
Cos you still treated me as kid,
Our union now is as a broken bead.

He Says...

That seed grew to be a stump,
It’s a ditch I’ll have to jump,
Right now you are stuck on me as a lump,
Our love ride was of many bends and bumps,
All about you I’m going to dump
Then memories of you I’ll mop.

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She Says...

You claimed to be always right
My opinions you treated with slight,
It showed you were without insight
Your heart is the opposite of white
In your thinking and decision, you’re without height,
But my love has flown away as kite.

He Says...

You went everywhere unrestricted,
Your flirts and flings made me frustrated.
I suggested having you castrated,
Cos my fall you orchestrated.
Your deeds have left your way barricaded,
And I suggested we go SEPARATED


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