The Untapped Pool of Reflection (an original poem)

The Unseen Poll of Reflection.jpg
Image Credit: Pixabay

The Untapped Pool of Reflection

Children jumping, diving, thriving.
Splashing, thrashing, crashing.
Eagerly rushing
To experience the cold fluid water
Surrounding their skin.

When they tire
They rush home
To some other grand experience.

To an adventure in a book,
Or an Atari.

Then on and on
For more
And should it stop

The shrieking scream
“I’m bored” will echo
Through their house,
Their neighborhood,
Their country.

All the adults,
Full of wise attitudes,
Will come rushing to the rescue
Of this child’s desperate plea.

Listing out suggestion after suggestion…
Run, walk, jump, watch, read, play.

What about the pool?
Now quiet and abandoned.
Waiting for eons
To use its deep magic

Of reflection?

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