UKIAH - Haiku Poetry Challenge with a Twist


Haiku is a form of poetry with three lines that follow a structured syllable count of 5-7-5. Last week while reading through the poetry tag I discovered a haiku by @robyneggs that had inverted the syllable count to 7-5-7. It was a good haiku except for the structure......

........which got me thinking do we really have to follow the rules so stringently? What would be wrong with mixing it up a bit? I contacted @robyneggs and told her it might be fun to create a freestyle haiku that kept the form but varied the structure. I asked her to challenge the Steemit community with this idea. She liked the idea; even gave it a name, UKIAH, but she is busy in her life and told me to give it a whirl so here we are!

The challenge is simple. I will choose the syllable count and a broad subject for the Ukiah. You write a poem that follows those rules. Like I said - SIMPLE. I want to see if the community is open to breaking the rules a bit in their quest to express themselves. The winner of this challenge will receive the UKIAH MASTER trophy.

The winners name will be placed on
the base of the trophy and will be the sole
property of the winner to do as he/she pleases.

If this catches on it could become a contest with an SBD payout as well as the trophy! Let's see what you wordsmiths can come up with for these prompts:

11-8-11 syllable count

Your Ukiah must follow the 11-8-11 meter and be about nature in some way.
Create a post using the tag #ukiahhaiku and link your post here.
Deadline will be next Thursday at midnight EST.
Let's see what you got and Good Luck!!


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