Words Left Unspoken - A deep heart Poem

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Oh ye! my dear Rose Angela
hope these words find you better

these are the words I've never said
to a dear one who's a precious Bird

don't sadden the heart because of my fate
for it is written to happen on that date

i know these are the words you'll like to hear
which I failed to spit when I was near

though i couldn't tell how much I love you
love was an underestimation of what I felt for you

I've always wished to tell you those very words
but I guess its the wish of the Lord

you may have witness some sleepless nights
but to question God was never right

dont think of death as too cruel some
it's a ticket to a place that's truly awesome

even though I made you shed some tears
my love for you will last thousand years

My words seems sound from the other side
But my soul is always right by your side

Now that you've read the final part
intense ease shall befall my heart

hope these words will console your pain
weep no more till we meet again

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