
I can't recall the beginning of this event, but it is worth it. I had just completed my mathematics exam, which was just horrific in my taste. The exam made me feel like I had made a bad choice studying calculus and statistics.

The solution for me to calm down was simply carry out these simple three steps:

  1. Breath in and out, harmonising and regulating my heart beats.
  2. Make a quick visit to the loo. I had a great piss excellence.
  3. Get my phone and sharpen my hobby; Facebook.

The poem below came as a result of the third step. There was this post that made me fantasise about how beautiful God's creation is. I took my fantasy to the extreme, judging my manhood that I could take care of eleven children; a perfect football team. To me, it was just miraculous.

Hello baby blue eyes of prepossessing nature, I
want to make this ebullient emergency confession,
That, When I saw that wonderful and statuesque
woman in the picture, Something just miraculous
and beautiful happened, I started seeing flying
lovelies and sweet candies, This made me only
say that you are just pulchritudinous, In bold,
italics and underlined.
Then I made some excellent effort so as to meet
you, And we set to meet at the beautiful fountains
of a ravishing park, Where rainbows just gave
their best colours to appease you, Where the
beautiful rare purple birds sat in pairs with beaks
attached, Where the breeze blew your hair lines in
a smooth wavy motion, That welcomed me to
have the first meeting to be together.
Then you stretched your hand towards me and
said “hi”, Wow! The Smile! The Dimple! The Ruby
Lips! The neck! Perfecto! Your hands were
beautifully unique; soft and almost squishy, Your
redolence just made my nose feel its weary
muscles, Your eyes looked cute like fresh ones of
a cute year-old baby, Your teeth were neatly
arranged like a craft from a skilled artisan.
I was really speechless and I felt like I met a
queen of beauty, I was amazed by your looks,
your perfection, your quality, I felt like I was in
heaven, where nothing counted but you, And
when I was about to say “Hi” back, Suddenly
everything went to pitch black; Untimely.
And my eyes opened and I saw your picture on
the wall, On the wall of my Facebook Timeline
with uncountable likes, And I just realized that it
was a crazy beautiful daydream, And I had to
write this and send it to your inbox,
Just to make it a memory worth to recall forever.*

**This was her picture that fired up my groins and heart in the love kiln:

I sent that poem in her inbox. Her reply was an emoji of a wedding ring. I think we are married.
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