Poem - Farewell Dandelion

Farewell dandelion
When the wind blows thus
Spread your seeds
Into the gust
Taketh away
Into the distant fields
of viridescence
Where you shall spread
With the seasons
And grow with the winds

Farewell dandelion
In the face of adversity
Resilient you remained
Boundless are your virtues
In the verdant oceans
Of Mother Gaia
Long shall you flourish
Against the countless winters
Against the countless summers
And against the chains of time

Farewell dandelion
your children
Are the snowflakes of spring
They skirt in the air
To the tune of the wind
They dance freely
With the sunshine
And sleep soundly
With the moonlight

Farewell dandelion
In the blink of an eye
Your world has thus
Gone by
You shared with us
The fruit of your labour
Selflessly so
You toil for no favour
And fight for no slaver
You lived
And you died

Farewell dandelion
When the wind blows thus
Spread thy ashen wings
Fly! Oh fly!
Fly far and wide
Fly long and high
To the edges of the worlds
And the seven seas
Only do not forget to return with the seasons
And I shall see you in spring once again

Image Courtesy of nikolapeskova

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