One world


"You may say I am a dreamer,
but I am not the only one
I hope some day, you will join us
and the world will live as one"

Do you remember these beautiful lyrics

"Imagine all the people sharing all the world"

Let us all join that dream.
I know that your neighbors may be still angry people,
perhaps envious of you or over-greedy.

The world is extremely far from the "dream"
The idea of unity and universal sharing has been around for >3000 years.
I guess we had to achieve a certain level of technology to provide enough,
enough for the whole world population.

I think now is the time,
that we do have enough if we do away with greed
I think now is the time,
the idea of sharing among everyone is taking roots
I think now is the time,
the tree of kindness is ready to shoot out of the ground
and grow into a huge forest in which the world can get lost
I think now is the time,
the solidarity among people is ready to blossom.
I think now is the time,
that the ugly face of greed is showing
its disgusting face in so many governments
I think now is the time for wisdom
to gain track
I think now is the time.

All we need is enough people to join the dream!

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