The Mud And The BLOOD

Life's been hard
Why are humans becoming so harsh
Goddd,have mercy!
We're lost
Yes,because of our lust
It hurts
It hurts so bad
and we try our best
Our best not to let our pains become contagious
We try to look all courageous
But at last we break down in tears!
Guys,life is outrageous

Crouched up in our beds at night
Our souls are waring
The world has put up a fight
We cry our hearts out
We plead silently He take off the yoke and give us something light
Then in day time,
And we show up in public tryna take selfies and pout

Sunday come
Make up flawless
Shoes six inches
Human hair blowing in the gentle 9am sunday breeze
We show up in the sanctuary dripping in finesse
Yea,we lift hands to worship!
But you sure it ain't just so you could show off that #6,000nail work
Then you hmmmn,and scream when the preaching gets all deep
But one thing brethren
Ask yourself
Am I doing all this still wallowing in Mud!
But I'm i seeking daily His blood!

We like the idea of God
But not the reality of God
Our life's segmented
Although carefully fabricated
When will we finally acknowledge God as our one true pioneer
So before we finally in Deaths cold hands retire
Before we shut our mouths after endless nights of cries
Before our friends turn up at day time and make our mouths curl up into a smile
Before we take the last's aisle
Mercy Lord,Mercy!

Yes we made it this far
although things did get hard
And all hell was breaking loose
Stuff got bad
But we made it even with our faint hearts
Darkness is.looming
We tread yet another disturbing.path
Holy ghost come brooding
We have grieved thee
But now intercede so well once again be relieved
Let's not swag in this world's mud
Let'shave fun at the expense of saying living like Christ is odd
Let's not only say He is God
Let us worship in truth in spirit our Lord

We have angered him
But come!Help us from all this temptations to flee
Our hearts are burning
Feet is failing
Heartbeat falling
On life's turbulent seas we keep sailing
Mud and Blood
We keep backsliding
This temptations are causing Pains,Tears,Blood and Mud!

Pains-cause we can't find rest!
Tears-flow down our cheeks after we fail a test
Blood-We neglected the Blood,became sturborn,refused to harken unto the Lord
Mud-We wallow right back.into the same filth we've been taken out of
But here's how we distinguish the repentant sinner and the sinning sinner
How we distinguish between. those that play Church and they who truly know thier God
We can be likened to a pocketful of rustling leaves
Picked and been tossed about by the wind
That's how many our lives we use to gamble
We gamble with the Devil and we later crumble
We fumbled
and right back into our filth we tumbled
The mighty ones have fallen
and we bother not how to rise for with pride were swollen

Be Humble!
Mercy speaks
Blood cleanse
Mercy spoke and made me see
Sea I was already lost in life's raging sea
Waves that pushed me into isolation
Amd made me live by only the world's ovation
But here's the word from the spirit today
Mark this words a notation from the Spirit world!
Mercy is really to speak,the Blood is there to clease,Angels are ready to sing,The Son is ready to receive!,But are you ready to be forgiven? Are you ready to heal?

So take it slow
Don't crash
You lost!
Aren't you in awe of the man who died for you and me
Whilst I was buried in my sins
He showed me Lovein its purest form
And that was enough to have redeemed me
But he had to finish it with a cross
He had to finish it with a tomb
He had to finish it with those doubting Thomases

Lost and dead we are
But when my soul hit His cross his tomb and throne all at those same time
I was revived

How we all found it so hard to obey God's laws
For even with all of the world's riches
Without Him!
We are poor
So God now I'll worship you till I'm all sore!!

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not PERISH but have everlasting life!
Brethren,this is enough reason to fall in love.
This is enough reason to leave the World
Jesus is not A way,
He is THE way!

Zebulun of Elyon🔥

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