these strange times

these strange times

do you think that we're growing up too fast?
learning all about the inappropriate subject matters;
screwing up our futures and lives?
the irony is palpable, the outcome is deceiving.
what is the real underlying purpose of this trip?
we're so concerned with the moment that we forget the big picture.
but forever is composed of nows.
perhaps we should change our thinking.
becoming adults means more responsibilities, freedom.
but true freedom comes from within.
many pretenders are entrapped within their own self-made cage.
they punish themselves unconsciously;
buying into the belief that the society is invincible.
but the structure is flawed, just like everyone of us.
the system was built by us, and it could crumble easily.
one snip, and it tumbles -
everything falls apart.
falls into nothingness.
pause and silence for what seems like eternity.

then a spark is born somewhere, unexpectedly.
life and love.
it's best when it's unpredictable.

i hate that you are too sexy for your own good.
i feel so attracted to you yet so repelled.
remove the tension.
collision of conflicts and friction.
nasty vibration lingering in the stiff air.

but secretly, it excites me.

Image credits to pixabay

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