Autumn Calls


Autumn calls,
To the plaintive tune
Of ancient music,
Stepping quietly over forest ground
Dropping leaves in a haze of gold
Around her feet.

I listen to her sing
Of death,
Of rebirth,
From a silent earth
Lying cold,
And I sing them back to her,
Weaving new notes out of
Sunlight on reddened leaves.

—29 October 2018, by Heather Stearns


Autumn is in full glory here, and this week we have seen three days of rain. It has been glorious. ❤️

A couple of our cows got out briefly (one of our gates failed), and as I walked through the bottom to round them back up, I passed over a thick carpet of golden and red and orange leaves, the vestiges of the golden trees we had three days prior. The thick, foresty scent was incredible, and the quiet begged for a song from my tinwhistle (alas, I had left mine at the house 😢). If the weather clears up a bit, I hope to pop out there and record some music in the earthy stillness of trees that are dropping off to sleep. It’s such a peaceful thing, these cottonwood forests at the end of their yearly growing cycle. As a child, I was only around evergreen forest glades, and here, there is a high number of deciduous growth. It’s an entirely different thing.

For now, I’ll just mix up a hot cup of cocoa, stoke the furnace, and watch the leaves fall while I play music inside where it is warm.... 😛

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