Playful Intelligence


is a bottomless well,
so I climbed in
and fell and fell.
Before I knew it
I was under its spell;
my right brain half
began to swell.

In free-fall
there was no friction,
I grabbed my pen
and trusty diction.
Excited neurons
began a-twitchin',
adrenaline rush:
totally bitchin'.

is a vast wilderness,
so I packed my knack
and eagerness.
At times the trails
were treacherous,
the view from the top
was wonderous.

In the woods
I came to a cliff,
my flow had slowed,
my wit was stiff.
I bridged this gap
but only if,
I walked this log
to join my riff.

is an endless sea,
so I cast off
and then was free.
Open sails to
winds divinity --
waves of art
move through me.

In deep waters
above the abyss,
with quill and ink
I wrote down this.
Rhythm and rhymes
began to kiss.
Anchors away!
I found my bliss.

is a soaring flight,
so I flapped my wings
to a dizzying height.
Suddenly my dreams
were all in sight,
I sat on a cloud
began to write.

In a patch
of turbulence,
I felt my words
cool and condense.
Imagination droplets
did dispense,
playful intelligence.

is an infinite universe,
so I expanded,
became disperse.
The stars and nebulas
did coerce,
that for this gift
I reimburse.

In a black hole
I changed dimensions,
whispered to aliens:
“Of all the inventions
creative expression
with honest intentions
is really the root of
earthly ascensions.”

is a birthright of all,
so gather your genius,
and stand tall.
Don't let the judgers
make you feel small,
when vision chimes
answer the call.

In your soul
awaits a treasure,
seek it and share
for everyone's pleasure.
So give it your best!
No need to pressure,
inspiration abundance
there is no measure.

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