Had A REal CULTural Real EyEZ - nation LateLy. The Word Of Doug In The Church Of BOB

Get away from these screens of affliction! The Dope-A-Mean-O-Matic screens!! Ugh!!! Gulp!! Help!! Where did people go!!! I dunno but I ain't done yet even if I forgot what to say 'cause I felt stunned, tazed, dazed, bedazzled, jazzed, In the jaunt of my life!!!

No codewords, no perverse ways, no record of the un-saying. Take off the balls of the beast! Who read or saw or what!? Nothing but to get out of the glut and shut up. Not shutting down, say it right, spy it write, invest no fear, not even gore here in these compost tea reading of entrails, no need for Disnified Gory DEtails! Don't mean it ain't ugly. Frail fails, googly eyed foolery.

Do not be an Immodest Louse Fight Mickey Mouse BS. Back to the Liberation Front to affront all the cartoon minds to see what they got to ElblemBAreASS them Alf's. As to ass what figure to we have blessed has!? It's all the gopplety goop, and gobbletygook . Mark the difference between the two. Shake the sillies out, give a hoot. Give out this past mind of confusion of distorted convolution, get back to the kid eh!? even yourself out.

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