Labyrinths of Misery 2

Once visionary now a wishful thinker
Life's storms buffet you around
Every punch you threw at life
She dodged and returned a knockout.

High on the wall of your room
Hangs that large graduation portrait
You were the award winning student
But now, the portrait houses geckos

And your other roommates - cockroaches
Now outnumber you
And in fact, wonder what an intruder
You have become in this poky room.

Misery, a lover of company
Has itself given up on you.
Your cracked ceiling has become
A thriving runway for lizards

And intermittently, they crawl
Over the portrait, stop and give
A scornful look at you
Like, "dude get the hell out of here"

A hill of dustbin bows at you
Once the door creaks open
And the leaking roof
Yawns for a repair.

Wishfully, you gaze around
And wonder
Was this what I signed up for?
These labyrinths of misery.


You can follow me @harrywill

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