LONELY. (A Poem)

Hey guys. It feels so good to be back. I specially want to thank the trio of @princessmewmew, @sawphyire and @otybest for looking out for me and making sure I get back on this horse.

So, here's something I wrote, dedicated to the thrill of posting on Steemit...as a way to say thank you to them.

I hope you'd enjoy!

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Writer's Block.
Photo Credit

Time will tell.
They say, Time will tell;
Last I checked, Time had hands that seconds every minute,
And with no mouth on her watch, how then will Time tell?

If only Time's hands would point to the dark room in my head
Where I sit on the only chair,
Staring at the darkness,
Waiting for you.

I wish you were here, with me,
I'd need no light cos your touch would spark up desires deep within me
I'd need no warmth cos your kisses would burn the hell freezing my hands
I'd desire no more target, I've missed you enough.

I wish you were here, with me, in my head
I wish you were here, with me, in my bed.

I wish... I so wish...

Thanks for reading.

Wishing you a delight-filled Sunday.

With much love,


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