After the Flood

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I stand on mountaintops,
watching the waters drain away.
I look up at the rainbow,
God's promise to the Sons and Daughters of Adam.

Love is the Word,
of living God.
Life will return,
to spread, to create.

Love is the Writ,
of the Holy Spirit.
I guard you, my children.
I grow large with you.

This Archangel of Fire,
burns from within, burns without.
This Angel cannot help but smile,
a smile to light up the world.

With every breath my chest expands.
Every inhalation draws you in.
My soul is too big inside.
This Angel spreads His wings,

and flies.

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This piece is a companion piece and continuation to Gabriel, the last piece of poetry I wrote in 2009, and the last piece I wrote until a month or so back, when @mamadini had come into my life, and the poetry started flowing. This piece is not for her per se, but it is about the changes she has wrought in me. Reading the original poem is recommended for full appreciation of this one.

Thanks to all the Isle of Write members who gave me feedback on this piece, and all the others.

Check out my latest pieces:

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Image source,
© Guy Shalev 2018.

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