When winters breathes its last...

Winter gasps and breathes it's last cold, dead breath
There's signs of life now, tiny buds and sprouts not just death
Bare branches reach upward soon festooned with leaves
Animals rejoice small and large taking their cue from the trees
Snow, rain and hail give way to dew, perfumey scents, other sweet smells
Wild flowers spread unfettered and free covering hills and dells
Birds once silent, too cold to sing, now trill their songs shrill and sweet
Animals recently asleep out seeking their mate, a partner to meet
Vibrant colours of every shade a painted canvas vibrant with flowers
Warm air and breezes fresh, clean and new, and longer daylight hours
Off come the gloves, coats and boots, children emerge and laughter ensues
Like forest wild things people emerge smiling, happy, the world renews
Winter's gone, but not forever, for now, it's gone and springtime we've got
It will give way to summer, we know, warm weather soon turns into hot
Lets revel in the glory of things old now brand new, get caught in the mood
Walks in the park and picnics too, friends and family eating good food

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