The Black house and White house

Black House

White House

Two houses across the street
One black, one white
One with plenty, one lacks
One always has light, one dark

The black house was small
The painting is all gone
And filled with no joy
The yard filled with dungs

The white house was big
The yard as wide as eyes could see
The people do as they please
The house filled with joy and peace

The black house has a roof that leaks
The walls are so weak
The inhabitants always sick
With nothing good for eyes to see

The white house's roof is high as eyes could see
The inhabitants never sick
The walls beautiful for eyes to see
The smell nice to the nose

The black house eats less from trays
And more from trash
Less of real food
And more of throwaway

The white house eats less
Than they throw away
They give less
Than ought to give away

The dogs in the black house are fray
Looking thin and dying
The dogs in the white house are fat
Looking good and healthy

So one day the storm came
Roaring and raging
With thunders and lightening
And swept the black house away.

And the white house didn't notice

Let your heart feel the pain and distress of others


Image Sources
Img 1
Img 2
Img 3
Img 4

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