The Reflection In The Mirror (Is it speaking to you?)


Have you ever looked in the mirror and had a conversation with yourself?

I think there are may out there who have had at least a brief discussion with your mirror image. I've always found it to be a bit of an odd experience yet an enlightening one. It allows you to step out of yourself for a moment to look objectively back at yourself and contemplate on something in particular.

Being a middle aged man, I've often wondered lately about the direction of my life. Have I set the right course for the rest of my life or should I be focusing on change in order to help achieve my dreams.

If you haven't tried it, I encourage you to do it. What would you ask the person in the mirror?


Reflection In The Mirror

Middle aged and worn complexion
Broken lines creasing your face
Eyes that conceal long tales of the burdens of life
Glazed over like glass and broken with strife

A younger man trapped beneath the exterior
Aching to maximize each remaining precious moment
You hold tightly on to your disappointments and regrets
Like a poker player who wages calculated bets

A family man with responsibilities
To provide and sacrifice
A selfless and thankless profession
Yet it's every man's obsession

So what do you have to say for yourself?
Are you an old man or young spirit?
Will you make the most of the passions within you?
Balking at the naysayers who try and remind you of everything you can't do

Free In Thought

As always, I truly appreciate your support and comments. If you feel so inspired, please upvote, comment and resteem.


Images and Audio used are CC0 Public Domain unless noted or clearly original
Writing is original - Always

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