Stellenbosch, the Rain, and A Girl I write Poetry About


once in a while
after the rain has settled down
my mind wanders to a place
of you and mine
in stellenbosch
a small town
the puddles reflect the trees
to create artworks on the road
crystal clear images
but you step into the middle
to create ripples
and all I can see is your face


a crack in the fabric
of the universe itself
a narnia door leading toward
terra incognita
a world unexplored
take my hand my dear
and let us float
into the world beyond our own


grow your roots
around my heart
set foot into the new world
with green abound
please take my hand
so that we might float
away from the trouble
of life here and now
oh my dear
take my hand
so that we can become drunk
on the fresh air
after the rain


We live in a small town with beautiful trees. After the rain, the air changes, it smells sweeter, it smells clean. We walk hand in hand underneath the many trees that cover the streets and every so often a beautiful glimmer of sun emerges between the leaves.


These majestic trees cover the road and even though we are in Africa, it completely feels out of this world. It feels like a European country you only see in the movies. We walk hand in hand and marvel at the big oaks and we throw each other like the children we are with acorns. We kick them away and we look at the poor squirrels that wanted those acorns!


And so another rainy day in Stellenbosch ends, the winter is here, and I have my girlfriend @urban.scout here with me to keep me warm in the cold nights.

I hope you are well and that where you live inspires you to write poetry! Keep well.

All of the writings are my own. The photographs were taken with my iPhone.

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