Let's Think About This "The Expectations" (Poem+Thoughts)

I would like to touch upon vital questions that we should think about. Of course, as usual, I’ll try to accompany everything with a laconic poem and illustrations.
I welcome your vision of the topics touched upon and I’ll be glad with your reply.
Let's think about this!


The expectations

All bad things in itself will not go away,
All good things will not suddenly come.
The expectations steal the time day by day…
We can still hope for a miracle, but if there isn't one...



Let's think about this!

Relations between people are always based on ... expectations.
What should a husband be like? What should a wife be like? What should a child be like?
A person usually likes someone who meets his expectations. But expectations often do not come true.
Because expectations are born in the mind of a person. No one else knows about his expectations. Despite all efforts to satisfy them, a person can’t meet all the expectations of another one.
So there is ... a conflict. All relationships turn into confrontation. If people stop building their relationships on the basis of expectations, and accept relationships as they are…
Does this not fill their lives with happiness and joy?
Let’s think about this…


«Never judge your own poem too harshly. If you love it, then someone else loves it too, just the way it is. If it speaks to you - it's good. And not all poetry is meant to rhyme, either. If it sounds good and makes sense - if it changes the reader at all - it's good.»


photos: pixabay.com

Thank you very much dear friends for your attention and support!
Have a nice day!


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