Let's Think About This "Children" (Poem+Thoughts)

Today I open one more rubric. I would like to touch upon vital questions that we should think about. Of course, as usual, I’ll try to accompany everything with a laconic poem and illustrations.
I welcome your vision of the topics touched upon and I’ll be glad with your reply.
Let's think about this!



There’s nothing more useful for children
Than the harmony in the family.
This is the basis of their future life building,
Which grows quite naturally


Let's think about this!

Trying to make the life of children happy is one of the most important duties of parents. The qualities and actions of children are assessed by the society. Caring for the future of children is the most valuable!

But does not happiness and security depend on the actions of the person?

Good and bad qualities are taught to children by their parents. Children take the example from their parents in everything ... Impressions received in childhood determine our actions.

Isn’t it?

Examples for imitation and learning form the character of a person. In other words, as parents are engaged in the development of the character of children, so will their future. There are parents who, caring only about the future material well-being of their children, forget about the development of their qualities.

But whatever children receive from such parents, they do not acquire the real good (well-being).

And those parents who worry not only about the material future of their children, but also develop their qualities, grow up children, whom the world glorifies.



«Never judge your own poem too harshly. If you love it, then someone else loves it too, just the way it is. If it speaks to you - it's good. And not all poetry is meant to rhyme, either. If it sounds good and makes sense - if it changes the reader at all - it's good.»


photo: pixabay.com

Thank you very much dear friends for your attention and support!
Have a nice day!


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