Let's Think About This "Boundaries And Limits" (Poem+Thoughts)

I would like to touch upon vital questions that we should think about. Of course, as usual, I’ll try to accompany everything with a laconic poem and illustrations.
I welcome your vision of the topics touched upon and I’ll be glad with your reply.
Let's think about this!


Boundaries And Limits

People create boundaries and limits…
We think it’s a way to protect ourselves
But often overcome them within minutes
To grab power, expanse or something else!



Let's think about this!

When people get acquainted and become closer, they tend to establish rules in communication with each other.
If we carefully study our relations with others, we will notice that they are based on the boundaries that we have defined for them.
And when someone suddenly violates these boundaries, the indignation arises immediately in our heart .
But what do these boundaries mean? Have you ever thought about this?
By creating boundaries we don’t allow another person to make his own choice. We impose our decision on him. Thus, we limit his freedom of choice.
And when freedom is limited, the heart is filled with bitterness. But if a person crosses all bounds, anger engulfs us.
Is this not so?
When everyone begins to respect the freedom of all living beings, this will lead to mutual understanding and the abolition of all boundaries.
Just as consent is the basis of any relationship… isn’t freedom the basis of these relations?


«Never judge your own poem too harshly. If you love it, then someone else loves it too, just the way it is. If it speaks to you - it's good. And not all poetry is meant to rhyme, either. If it sounds good and makes sense - if it changes the reader at all - it's good.»


photos: pixabay.com

Thank you very much dear friends for your attention and support!
Have a nice day!


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