Friend Zone

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I heard your whispers underneath your breath
You sorted my blisters when I had nothing left
I fell so hard to the ground that I broke in pieces
But your presence introduced healing and taught me what peace is
Nobody smiled like you did
For none other did I feel what I was feeling for real
My exes and my past were just beautiful candles / flames
But you were the sunrise, every other beauty was shamed

I felt like I was caged as your friend when we could be more
I wanted to come out of the shadows and out of the blur
I sought after your heart daily with my hidden gestures
That slowly gained courage and composure
This was the day that decided my fate
Either I come out of the dark and together we share a life of intimacy
Or I shut down the door of "into me see"

A tear was all that rolled down my cheeks when you said no
Apparently you never loved me beyond enough to flow
"You are just a friend to me", was all you said
And I laughed it away like an April first game
The tears broke open a well of pain in my heart
And I could never be the same, not in full or in part
My pieces fell no more since I was only a foot away from the ground
I was broken but the scares didnt filter no healing, not now
I wish you belonged to me so we could bloom into a field of love from the shroud

But I just wish on, as you are the sunshine while I remain a cloud
My feelings locked up and shared to only me
Waiting for the one who can set me free
Until then I friend along with a love unrequited
Till I meet the one who would say discharge me from the crime of loving
You saying 'acquitted

For now your name remains nobody
And your alias none other

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