They'll Put Him Away Now, As I Should Have Years Ago

They'll Put Him Away Now, As I Should Have Years Ago

Abandoned, confused, I was left in this jungle
Stranded and reprimanded by flippant treachery
The plane wedged in the grass, I fell and I tumbled
Now I sit on the cusp of a distant memory
I used to try to escape this ominous hell
Recovering black boxes and calling the beacons
But alas, it’s no use, can only talk with myself
My past life expunged and gone with my freedom
I’ve made the best of life since I swept on the shore
My quarters arranged like my life long living room
Suddenly, it’s all consumed by a deafening roar
As a smokescreen threw up an unforgiving plume
It’s a plane! Another plane! Are these known to go wrong?
Or is this deserted Island just prone to accidents?
Overwhelmed, I’ve been alone for so long
Excited in finding some co-inhabitants
Their faces, blurred through the mist and smoke
Their expressions that of sullen psychotics
Gripped and ripped from my makeshift abode
I’m restrained and made to stomach narcotics
I awake to a haze, in these shackles I’m bound
Together with doctors, my arresters jumbled
Huddled and bunched as they chatter aloud
But I can’t make sense of the incessant mumbles
I manage to loosen a strap and swing in fear
Throwing multiple punches after freeing my fist
One breaks down, their eyes fill with tears
Muttering “I just hate to see him like this”
The nurse comes with a needle, now the injections will start
She scrawls on a clipboard and after writing she leaves
I struggle to make sense of what she etched on the chart
Something about Alzheimer’s disease.

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