
Every day provides us with an opportunity to celebrate. You can celebrate today by using your smile, on World Smiling Day. Smiling sends a signal to our brains to release chemicals that make us happy. If you aren’t having a great day, simply smiling can boost your mood. Smiling is also contagious. I hope you share your smile with everyone you meet today and every day. It would be amazing if we could get the whole world smiling.

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I’ve been empowered,
with the superpower.

We all have this capability,
it has amazing possibility.

It’s easy to use,
you just need to choose.

It’s fun to share,
so, here is a dare.

Will you smile today?
It’s a happiness display.

I know it sounds outrageous,
but smiling is contagious.

So, spread good cheer,
smile from ear to ear!

Wet Willie Keep On Smiling

Smiling tricks your brain into believing you are happy. Your brain then releases chemicals that boosts your mood. So when ever your down remember to KEEP ON SMILING!

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The Power of Smiling | Nicholas Piscatelli | TEDxUConn

This is a great explanation of our hidden superpower- smiling. Nicholas Piscatelli explains how smiling effects our brains. Once you realize you have a hidden super-power, go out and use it, it will make a difference in the world!

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