These are the 3 poems that have earned the victory to César Brandon in 'Got Talent'

He dedicated the first to a relationship between 0 and 1, the second to a date between the Moon and Earth and, the last, to his mother

César Brandon, in his second appearance in 'Got Talent'

The 25,000 euros and the car that wins the winner of Got Talent have gone to a poet. César Brandon, 24 years old and from Equatorial Guinea -and a resident of Ciudad Real-, has won the third edition of Telecinco's talent show on April 11th. In his first appearance in the program, the young man said that he was going to the program to try to "fulfill a dream that had been delaying a long time". He has achieved it with three poems.

Brandon climbed the Got Talent stage three times during this edition of the program. In the first, he recited a poem about the romance between number 0 and 1, in which the four judges gave him the yes to move on to the next phase. In the semifinals, he dedicated his poetry to the Earth and the Moon, and with it he won the golden button of the jury that gave the direct pass to the final. In this, and with some verses dedicated to his mother, it was finally the audience that gave him the victory of the contest.

Brandon's performances have also been popularized by networks, where dozens of copies of the videos of his performances circulate. Many of them exceed hundreds of thousands of reproductions. Next, you can see the videos of his three performances and the transcription of the poems.

  1. The 0 and the 1

One did not want to count on anyone, and One did not understand why it was odd if there was someone before him.

One did not want to count on anyone, and One felt that after him there was infinity.

And to One the everlasting was afraid, so One, dying of dread, was fixed on Zero.

And when One saw Zero, he thought that zero was the most beautiful number he had seen and that, even coming before him, he was whole.

One thought that in Zero he had found true love, which in Zero he had found at the same time,

so he decided to be honest with Zero and tell him that although it was a zero to the left, it would be the zero that would give him value and meaning to his life.

That being the first was no longer going, so he had to make a great welcome.

Together they were pure joy and were completed. One had zero tolerance for alcohol, but with Zero one could drink a zero beer for its anniversary, even if they had to invent a zero date in the calendar for that.

Zero was somewhat closed and it was difficult to represent texts but, together with Uno, they made the perfect binary code.

They were the digits of the neighborhood and processed love daily, but you do not know what you have until you lose it, so Uno lost Zero.

And by the time One realized, Zero already had the hand with Less One, which despite being something negative treated him like a queen.

Zero liked that Least One was original, had a slot in Least One, a script with which they could play.

Zero liked that Less One was not another, that Less One was not ordinal.

That was just competitive and that when they played the ONE, less One did not let him win.

Zero felt that unlike Uno, Menos Uno did treat him like a real number.

And Minus One did not make buts, nor did he intend to add value to zero by putting commas between them.

Less One had no complexes, and when they made love, at least one loved being below zero.

And One, once again he was left alone, separated as a unit.

Without Zero, his life was consumed like a candle. Without Zero, the time in it made a dent ...

And One began to tell but without Zero, he forgot the kisses of Zero, of sex with Zero, of Zero's jealousy ...

And one began to count, but without Zero.

One forgot Zero and said goodbye. One forgot Zero and maybe even love, and began to tell what he was most afraid of: to infinity.

... Or maybe only up to two.

  1. The Earth and the Moon

The day of his eighteenth birthday was approaching,

and the Earth was lying mouth to somewhere in space because since she saw the Moon did not stop causing butterfly effects in the stomach.

Let's see if I could put the theory of chaos into practice ... And get to know it.

But the Moon was orderly, meticulous and passionate about the figures,

at first he did not trust someone who had taken only five billion years to ask a girl out, that maybe his interest was superficial and only interested in the views, because it was said that with it the ... stellar powders, They looked great.

But on the day of the rendezvous the Moon took pains looking for a phase in the closet, wondering if it was not very daring to dress that lowered waning room, whether to put on make-up or let the craters be seen, if to give a girl a chance after having jumped for the humanity and given false steps for men.

And while the Earth did not stop wondering what I was going to tell him.

Perhaps what after the dinosaurs of greater wanted to be an aerial controller of shooting stars, that on Earth we were all citizens of a place called First World because the second we knew little and the third was in the process of development.

That on earth we were religious extremists a little absurd, and we filled our mouths with pride shouting: "My God kisses better than yours".

That on Earth does not matter the color of the skin, that no one stops you to justify your existence with a piece of paper, that it is easier to be a woman, that two do fight if you do not want and vice versa, that you do not he has enough with two and he looks for three to invent that the four are happy until the problem multiplies and four ends up calling zero sixteen.

That the refugees are not made of opinions on the Internet, that on Earth we do not break our hearts to remember the past, that we are not so simple, that after a relationship "we went" it is not conjugated in the perfect preterite complicated.

How was he going to impress the lunatica that affected its gravity? To which they said it was impossible to cover the Sun with only one eclipse and showed that it was not true.

When the only genuine thing was that the Earth we are rebels when it comes to love, that the entire Milky Way can already declare a strike that we will go to work that day, that we are only a moment in this place, but we live as if the eternity was only an hour that has not yet come of age.

The Earth could tell all this to the Moon, with some deceit, or simply start the date by telling her it was her birthday.

  1. Poem to his mother


This letter should have been written two years ago,

so this time allow me to speak in the first person

and I promise I'm done.

Mom, I love writing to a computer,

although I detest everything that Word 2016 brings as default.

It will sound strange, but it is as if existence had granted me the ability to read between line spacing options

and the truth is that I detest the body of the Calibri, the eleven points and the 1.0 of spacing.

Mom, you taught me that life summed up in apologizing, thanking and saying please.

And also in keeping the Word files every five minutes, because at any moment there could be a blackout and we would have days without light.

Mom, thank you for your gratitude, for all the good things, for worrying about when, how, where and with whom you left.

Me and my youth

Sometimes answering you with bad attitude until you and your collejas reminded me that, pa bad, you.

Mom, I'm sorry to understand too late that no matter how fast love is at first sight, it will always be second if it faces mother's love.

For teaching me that father is not only the one who has a child, parents are all those to whom dreams are small, to the little they sleep to fulfill them and apart.

I am sorry for looking for the extraordinary in other planets, for answering you with messages when I had already found life to call you.

Mom, now, now the world stops when Mom talks, because you married with happiness and did not sign the separation of goods.

And now ... the idea of ​​taking my life will never go through my head again, because happiness owes me half of everything it has.

Mom, maybe I'm just a moment,

as one of those spelling mistakes that in Word 2016 correct themselves,

or it is deleted.

Mom, maybe I am that.

But I love you straight, double spaced and in Times New Roman.

Thank you.

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