We Make Beauty

  • We walk in the air and run on the water, gather stars in the eyes of the dragon, we watch the heavenly game of your beauty. Paper binds metal, in a fiery story we gather frozen candies - We raise dreams to the level of fairy tales at the height of imagination.

  • Source - pinterest.com/pin/499899627362585493/

  • Romance flows on the palms of love while passion brings in the glasses of magic - you are my light in the dark passion. We are waiting for spring in hot nights while bending our knees under the load of your love. The bubble of hidden emotions awaits the coming of memories at the peak of ecstatic memory.

  • We see the way, the truth, and the life in the avatar of the cosmic truth, I am in love with the honest relationships of truth and hearts. We send signals to akasha travelers, the thoughts of the whirlpool in the brain storm create a new beauty.

  • I feel your smile in my tears, your steps give my heart to my intentions while decisions slowly become part of the change of my life. We create our destiny, beauty and magic material world in digital colors, eternity is behind the curtain of illusion, and therefore we raise the spirit to a higher level of spiritual understanding.

  • cdf5b6a634b98785d0022132a4930f80.gif
    Source - pinterest.com/pin/213850682281559495/

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